Dear Pelham Parents and Community Members,
Earlier this week, we began our sixth week of distance learning -- a statistic that is truly astonishing to think about. Reflecting on this time period, I am both proud of our growth as a District and excited about the prospect of continuing to improve our efforts over the coming weeks. Though we will never be able to provide the level of teaching and learning that is possible in a regular classroom environment, I truly believe that we have developed a steady foundation and routine that will benefit our students throughout this difficult time. This would not have been possible without the support and flexibility of our faculty, parents, and most importantly, our students, and for that, I am extremely thankful.
As you know, the Governor's school building closure is currently in place through May 15. While we remain hopeful of returning at some point this year, we are continuing to make contingency plans with regard to fourth quarter grading, end of year ceremonies and events, and other logistics in the event that the closure is further extended. We remain committed to holding our students harmless from the impacts of the pandemic and doing our best to ensure that they get the honors and acknowledgements that they have earned, even if it must happen in a virtual environment. We anticipate sharing more information next week.
This afternoon, you should have received an email from the Board of Education's Community Engagement and Advocacy Committee regarding a letter-writing campaign to urge our Federal officials to support aid to New York State in future stimulus legislation. We hope that you will take the time to participate in this campaign as the possibility of a reduction in state aid would have severe implications for our District and others across New York and the country. More information is available on the District website.
Finally, I continue to be encouraged by data indicating that the spread of COVID-19 may be declining. While this information gives us hope that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, it remains critical that we continue to practice social distancing every day. We all feel the temptation to see our friends and family, and return to our normal lives, but doing so in time is incumbent upon remaining apart for now. Please enjoy a restful weekend and don't forget to make some noise for our frontliners at 7pm!
Cheryl H. Champ
Superintendent of Schools
Social Distancing Guidelines
- Stay home as much as possible, even if you feel healthy
- Refrain from congregating in groups and maintain a distance of at least 6 feet between yourself and others
- Refrain from social gatherings, playdates and sleepovers with friends
- Do not visit public playgrounds
- Use caution when visiting grocery stores/pharmacies and consider delivery services for food and groceries.
- When maintaining social distancing is not possible, cover your nose and mouth with a cloth or mask when you leave home.
- Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoid touching your face, especially your mouth, nose, or eyes.
Contact Information for Social Workers and Student Assistance Counselor
Our social workers and student assistance counselor continue to be available to support those who are experiencing hardships and need assistance. Please feel free to contact:
- Kristin Quintano, Social Worker, 914-738-3434 x1295
- Sharon Charles, Social Worker, 914-738-8190 x1218
- Kelley-Anne Lonergan, Student Assistance Counselor, 914-738-8182
Information on Community Organizations Offering Assistance
Additionally, organizations such as Pelham Together, the Junior League of Pelham and our faith community have offered their assistance with those families with a variety of needs, including food, child care, and other demands of day-to-day life. The Pelham Civic Association is also available for families that have fallen on hard times due to this pandemic. Please feel free to reach out in confidentiality for potential assistance to Richard Davidian, Vice President, Community programs at (914-552-0872) or Dr. Stan Trocchia, Chairman, Good Neighbors program
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