Board of Education Wrapup: April 18, 2023

Board of Education Wrapup: April 18, 2023
Alexander Wolff

Dear Pelham Community,

The Board of Education unanimously adopted the 2023-24 proposed budget at its meeting on Tuesday, April 18. The proposed budget includes a tax cap compliant levy increase of 2.07%. Total appropriations in the proposed budget are $90,960,000, which includes $2 million in one time capital expenditures, resulting in a 7.98% budget increase over the current year. 

View the BOE Meeting Video | View the full budget on the District website

Budget Vote Information

Registered voters will have an opportunity to vote on the proposed budget and elect two candidates to three year terms on the Board of Education at the annual budget vote and school board member election on Tuesday, May 16, 2023. Polls will be open from 7am-9pm in the Pelham Middle School Gym. 

Additional information about the vote, including voter registration and absentee ballots is available on the District website

Budget Highlights

The proposed budget continues to provide a rich academic program while also supporting student academics, meeting special education needs and improving safety and security. Some highlights include: 

  • Maintaining current level of elementary intervention teachers for continued recovery in ELA and Math 
  • Keeping all class sizes at or below Board of Education guidelines
  • Adding the equivalent of two Middle School teaching positions across subjects to meet growing enrollment
  • Hiring an additional PMHS social studies teacher to meet enrollment demands
  • Creating additional teaching support for English as a New Language (ENL) program to meet growing need
  • Offering new PMHS Course: Astronomy
  • Creating Summer Marching Band Camp for PMHS students
  • Expanding innovative and flexible furniture to all 1st grade classrooms
  • Maintaining funding for Coordinator of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
  • Increasing Altaris security consultant to full-time
  • Hiring a consultant to guide development of 2025-2030 Strategic Plan
  • Funding state-required building conditions survey

The budget includes a draw down of $2 million in appropriated fund balance to replace the rooftop heating/cooling units at Pelham Middle School and continue upgrading playgrounds at all elementary schools. These one-time expenditures are included in the total budget appropriations. 

Budget Review and Changes

The Board of Education reviewed the preliminary budget line-by-line over the course of several meetings beginning in March and concluding on April 12. At the recommendation of the Board’s finance committee, the Board elected to increase the use of Debt Service Fund to $2,175,000 to reduce the proposed tax levy increase from 2.95% to 2.07%. Additionally, the District identified approximately $600,000 in budgetary savings from the original proposal, including:

  • Reducing expected spending on utilities
  • Utilizing existing staff to cover certain course/class assignments rather than hiring new staff, and 
  • Covering lunchtime supervision costs using the District’s Cafeteria Fund

These savings were partially offset by additional expenditures, such as 

  • Funding for an additional elementary section to meet updated student enrollment projections
  • Additional students enrolling in the BOCES Occupational Education program, and 
  • An increase in the District’s transportation contract. 

In total, the proposed budget was reduced by $165,000 from the preliminary budget. 

Tax Rate and Impact

The projected homestead tax rate is $16.89 per $1,000 assessed value, a $1.44 reduction from the previous year.  The projected non-homestead tax rate is $24.90, a $.09 increase from the previous year. 

Below are some sample tax examples to demonstrate the potential impact.

Example 1 - $600,000 Home Assessment

2022-23 School Taxes (Base Year)= $10,998

% Assessment Change




Estimated 2023-24 School Tax




Tax Increase (Decrease)




% Change




Example 2 - $1,038,000 Home Assessment

2022-23 School Taxes (Base Year)= $19,026

% Assessment Change




Estimated 2023-24 School Tax




Tax Increase (Decrease)




% Change




Example 3 - $1,475,000 Home Assessment

2022-23 School Taxes (Base Year)= $27,036

% Assessment Change




Estimated 2023-24 School Tax




Tax Increase (Decrease)




% Change




Upcoming Meetings and Engagement Opportunities

The Board of Education will hold the state-mandated public hearing on the 2023-24 budget on Wednesday, May 3. 

Dr. Champ will present the budget prior to the Board of Education Candidates Forum sponsored by the Pelham Council of PTAs on Thursday, May 4 in PMHS Alumni Hall. The budget presentation will begin at 6:30pm with the forum to follow at 7pm.

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