The Pelham Public Schools owns a variety of athletic fields and recreational areas in town, many of which are jointly maintained by the District and the Town of Pelham. These facilities are frequently used by both students and the community and are maintained jointly by the District and Town.
District-Owned Facilities
Glover Sports Complex, E. Sandford Blvd.
Athletic Facilities Available: Glover Field (football, soccer, field hockey, lacrosse, rugby, etc.), track, Joe Solimine Field (baseball), A&B (baseball), Richie Bell (little league), Friendship Field (softball), four tennis hard-court tennis courts.
Franklin Field, Adjacent to Pelham Middle School
Multipurpose grass field used for soccer, field hockey, lacrosse, etc.
Ingalls Field, Adjacent to Pelham Memorial High School and Pelham Middle School
Multipurpose grass field used for soccer, lacrosse, etc., little league/softball diamond
Prospect Hill Field, 1000 Washington Avenue
Multipurpose grass field used for soccer, etc. little league diamond
Julianne's Playground, Sixth Street
Children's playground with equipment, two hard-court tennis courts, blacktop area
Rules and Regulations
- Only rubberized athletic shoes may be worn on the tennis courts and track. No cleats (including rubber cleats), no bikes, skates boards or wheels of any kind are allowed.
- School use for gym class, sporting events, and practices takes precedence over residential use.
- State law prohibits smoking and alcohol on all school property, including fields. Dogs are also prohibited on all school grounds.
* Please adhere to posted rules at each specific facility
Tennis Court Reservations
For reservations for tennis courts, call the Recreation Office at 738-0153. Permits are required from May 1 through October 1.