Emergency Information
Emergency Contact
Families must complete/update emergency contact forms annually so that their school has the names and numbers of several friends or relatives to be called in the event of any emergency. Emergency Contact forms can be completed and modified by logging into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Children will only be released to people you have listed as emergency contacts. Please note any unusual health conditions, including allergies. If your child becomes ill at school, either you or someone on your emergency card will be called to pick him/her up. It’s critical that any changes in your phone, email or address be communicated to the office so the emergency information can be kept current.
School Closures/Delayed Openings
Sometimes the start of the school day is delayed or school is closed due to inclement weather. Decisions about school closings are made as early as possible and take into consideration the safety of the students and staff. Families will be informed of changes in the school schedule via a phone/text/message and email blast. If you do not receive a recorded phone message, please call your school's main office with an updated phone number. In addition, please check the website at: www.pelhamschools.org for current information or television station: Channel 12 TV or radio stations: WINS (1010am), WVOX (1460 am), WFAS (103.9fm).
Sign Up for District E-Mail Blasts
Emergency Guide
How to prepare for an emergency
- Provide accurate contact information to your child’s school by filling in the Emergency Contact form, which can be completed and modified by logging into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
- White list pelhamschools.org with your e-mail service or check your spam filter.
- Notify the school during the year of any changes to your phone numbers or email addresses.
- Talk with your child about the importance of following instructions in the event of an emergency, which may include not to use a cell phone.
- Reassure your child that the safety of students is the primary concern of his or her teachers and principal and that the school will notify parents of an emergency situation as soon as possible.
What Parents Can Do During an Emergency
Be informed. Information will be available from the following sources:
- Phone message from the District or School Phone Blast. The message will be sent to the phone numbers provided by you;
- Text message blasts from the District or School
- Email blasts from the District or school
- Home page of the district web site (pelhamschools.org) or school web sites;
- Radio stations: WFAS (1230 AM), WVOX (1460 AM) and 1010 WINS AM; and
- Television stations: TV News Ch. 12, NBC-TV: Ch. 4, and ABC-TV Ch. 7.
Do not go to the school or the scene of an emergency unless school officials ask you to do so. While your child may ask you to come and your first instinct as a parent will be to come, please understand that your presence may interfere with emergency response. If the situation is serious enough to require you to leave your home or workplace, we will either ask you to pick your child up or we will direct you to a safe place where we can brief you on developments.
If you hear from your child, tell him or her to remain calm and to follow instructions from school officials.
How Schools Prepare for Emergencies:
The Pelham Schools work closely with national, state and local safety officials, including police, fire, emergency medical services and public health officials, to ensure that we are well prepared and that your children will be protected. We have drills and review our procedures. Each school has a comprehensive Safety Plan, which is constantly updated.
Your child’s safety is our first priority and in case of an emergency. We will make decisions, in cooperation with the agencies listed above:
- We may dismiss students early, in which case parents are notified via the phone blast system. Please note: K-5 students are not dismissed unless a designated person is available to pick up your child.
- We may go into lockdown, i.e., secure students within the building and do not allow anyone to enter or exit the building.
- We may evacuate students or move students to an alternate location.
Poor Weather Conditions
Responsibility lies with the family to recognize poor weather conditions or major emergency situations and to check sources of information listed above. The announcement will indicate whether schools will be closed or delayed in opening or specify other important information. Please note that a decision to close the schools may follow an announcement for delayed openings.