Professional Learning
Professional Learning Advisory Council (PLAC)
Pillar IV of our Strategic Plan requires us to Build a professional culture of learning, effective feedback and growth for every employee, inspiring a standard of excellence for all. The Strategic Plan states, "The Pelham Public Schools can only meet its mission of inspiring a standard of excellence for all students when all employees, as lifelong learners, are also inspired to a standard of excellence. Through its commitment to a high standard of professional learning opportunities for all employees, the district will plan for the best use of talent, time and content in order to maximize the capacity of all adults who serve our pupils."
To operationalize this goal, the District formed a Professional Learning Advisory Council of teachers, administrators and a School Board liaison to ensure that we incorporate a shared decision making model in exploring and evaluating our professional practice as a learning organization. The Council meets several times a year to plan professional learning experiences, study its impact, provide support, and use data to inform our efforts. A major component of teacher and administrative professional development is our Professional Learning Communities model.
Please find the most recent version of our District's Professional Development Plan.
Professional Learning Communities (PLC)
We are excited to introduce our new structure for professional learning this school year that we hope will provide our teachers and administrators with engaging experiences to support and enhance their professional practice. Based on feedback and the recommendations from Pelham faculty and staff, we will begin our journey following a Professional Learning Community (PLC) model.